Registered Office Address
Our Registered Office Address provides:
- Professional Address in Central London EC1
- Private & Confidential Address
- FREE forwarding of Companies House and HMRC Mail
- Mail can be forwarded by post or scanned and emailed.
- Quick Online Set Up
This service is FREE with the following formation packages.
Price Costs £39.00+vat
- You will need to create an account.
- Import your business details from companies house, using your company name and authenitcation code.
- Purchase the service you require.
This service is for UK residents only; if you currently live overseas, we have an international service package.
What is a Registered Office Address?
- Upon incorporation, every Limited Company in the UK must provide Companies House with a Registered Office Address.
- This is the official address of the company. All official mail from Companies House and HMRC is sent to this address. The address must be active and Companies House assumes that any mail sent to this address is considered as served at that address.
- This publically available address is listed online, in the Companies House registers, and is used as a source for many online company information websites.
- If you work from home, you can use your home address, but with the dangers of identity theft and concerns over the privacy of directors, you can opt to use a registered office address provided by us.
- You can select to use the address at the start of applying for the company formation, or select additional services during the application.
- The Official Mail is scanned and emailed or posted to your residential address. The official mail is forwarded FREE of charge.
- We are rigorous in the protection of your personal details. We do not disclose any of your personal information unless required to by Law enforcement or investigation agencies. In London, we are required to provide your contact details under the London Local Authority Act.
- This service does not include the mail for your day-to-day business - i.e. from customers, clients, suppliers or banks. If you wish to have this mail forwarded you will need to look at our All-Inclusive Mail Service, which provides a Registered Office, Directors Service Address and a Business Address.
You can use any address you wish during the incorporation but due to the public nature of the Companies House information, we would advise against using your own home address. During the application process, you can select to use our address or use another one of your choice.
Proof of ID & Address
To comply with the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations and Know Your Customer (KYC) and the London Local Authority Act we are legally required to check proof of ID and proof of address for customers (Company Directors and any Company Representatives) using our services.
To find out which documents you need to provide us please check the ID required page.
If you have any questions please read through our guides and FAQs. If you still need help, do contact us.
If you are looking to change your registered office address you can easily sign up for our services. Then import your company into your online dashboard and purchase any additional services.
Your dashboard then allows you to make changes to the address, director details, name change etc.
The cost to renew the registered office is £39 + vat. We will send an email reminder 30 days before renewal is due.
Other services you may be interested in?
This includes company formation, digital and printed copies of your company documents and registers, share certificates, plus the Registered Office, Directors Service Address and a business address, which can be used by your clients and suppliers - so that all your mail can be sent to one location and forwarded directly to you. The forwarding of your official mail from Companies House and HMRC is included. Your day to day business mail is forwarded to you using a £20 deposit added at checkout.
You can decide how to receive your mail – posted or scanned, first or second class, daily or weekly – the choice is yours! This package includes the use of the EC1 address for 12 months. Annual renewal fees do apply.
What if you just need an address rather than company formation?
If your company has already been incorporated you can apply for the registered office service by creating an account with us, import your details from Compnaies House (using your aythentication code), which saves you having to type all the details in. If you need an address to receive packages or want an address outside of London, our sister company I-Support Business can provide you with an address without all the company formation and documentation.
What address will I get?
We have an office in Central London in the Farringdon/Hatton Garden area. To use our address you would simply replace our business name with yours...
I-Support Formations
4th Floor
18 St. Cross Street

Create your new company in 5 simple steps